All of our guides are locals and can show you the absolutely best places at Finse. We specialize in unique nature experiences.

Edvin Rylandsholm

Main guide for the 2020 season

Eirik Nordahl-Pedersen

Co-owner in Jøklagutane AS

Kjell Magne Tangen

Co-owner in Jøklagutane AS

Sebastian Gjølstad

Glacier guide for Jøklagutane

Ronny Finsås

Resident at Finse / Guide and full time chef

Mari Haga Basberg

Glacier guide and glacier instructor / has an apartment at Finse an spends a lot of time there

Carl Alvey

Resident at Haugastøl, which is the village next to Finse

Terje Olav Olsen

Raised at Finse / veteran

Elise Jansson Engen

Glacier guide for Jøklagutane

Cato Leganger

Glacier guide for Jøklagutane. Resident at Rosendal and works as a journalist

Henriette Bull Poppelman

Glacier guide for Jøklagutane

Exploring the blue ice is an unforgettable experience.

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